Jan 20Liked by Kevin

Hi Kevin,

I like your approach generating Ideas described in "The 8-step AtmosInvest Investment process" and that you let inspire you from succesful investors. I also like Poland as a habitat of healthy growing companys. Other countries I like since some time are Sweden and Japan. I have some companys from those in my watchlist as well.

I already did a quick check on your unclestock-list (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_o5ooRjSzKbOsv5KyFkV3_Fi8DZftLPV/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=115374332850168050035&rtpof=true&sd=true.) and

wanted to share some infos ...

Let me start with your question: What should I remove or replace from the one-pager?

I miss information about

1. "shares" and "fully diluted shares" (Small Companys often have a lot of options/warrants. For example aeorema has >9Mio shares and additionally also 1.53Mio options.)

2. Dilution (Dilution could be a big problem, Spoiler-ALERT! e.g. Brave Bison Group plc (#8 of list) grew sales in last 4yrs CAGR 23.5% and at the same time diluted by CAGR 23.6%)

From the companys you already made a onepager of, I checked closer aeorema which I put on my watchlist. I like their flexible management and expansion to US. This kind of biz (live events agency) rise and fall with their relationships to customers. From my understanding that's good and their client list has some big names.

I also made some checks on some other companys. An incredible company is IFirma. Good industry, dividend of 4% and due to capital-light still nice growth and also long runway. I am curious what you will write/think about them.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and process!

Many Greetings,


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Appreciate you taking the time. Although I do not mention the number of shares or options, when I take the per share value of a ratio, it will always be the fully diluted one. But you are right that the information on the employee incentive plan is hidden in there. Thanks for the feedback on the companies. I'll take it into account when going through them. Yes. Aeoroma seems interesting, although I do not know the events business very well. Seems like a very competitive industry. Not sure how easy it is to forecast a reliable future. Thanks again!

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